Gayle Gates, Social Services Manager
1602 North Ivar Avenue
Hollywood, California 90028
T. (323)-957-7200
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Comprehensive Housing Care Program: An Introduction
By Sheila Moore, LCSW, MSG
Friday, March 12, 2010

Gay and Lesbian Elder Housing and those who made our first building, Triangle Square, a reality have made history. The over 112 seniors who call Triangle Square home have been instrumental in our success and in the making of their own history – as residents of the first low income housing program for LGBTA seniors. Nearly three years have passed since Triangle Square opened its doors and during this time, it has been important not only in terms of settling in and learning from each other, but important in identifying some critical issues faced by many of our elders.
The mission of GLEH is to provide affordable housing and a supportive network for those who live in our buildings. A roof over your head may not be enough when your needs change as you age, when you are caught in one of the harshest economic times in history and when you might find yourself with limited support. Our Comprehensive Housing Care Program is our model for service delivery and for sharing with others the work we do at GLEH/Triangle Square.
The Comprehensive Housing Care Program is a coordinated approach to providing services to our residents. The three pillars of service include Housing Retention – ensure that the residents’ financial resources stretch from the beginning of the month to the end of the month and if there is a crisis, it won’t place them at risk of leaving Triangle Square/homelessness. The second pillar is Aging in Place – exploring all social service resources available to each resident as their needs change over time, ensuring they are able to stay at home for as long as is possible and last, Health and Wellness – ensuring that the programs we deliver promote positive health habits as well as provide support in the management of chronic health issues.
The Comprehensive Housing Care Program is an integrated model of service delivery. Its goal and mission is to provide a safe place for our residents, to ensure they keep their home here despite financial or health crisis and to provide programming that fosters wellness. We invite anyone interested in taking a closer look to visit us.