Angela Leonard, Director of Operations
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GLEH and GLEH-Los Angeles Board of Directors appoint new board Chairs
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing and Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing Los Angeles proudly announce the appointment of the two new Chairs of the Board of Directors.
Michael R. Mueller
Michael R. Mueller assumes his position as Board Chair of the GLEH Board of Directors effective July 1st 2010, after completing his most recent term where he served as Board Vice-Chair from 2008-2010. Mr. Mueller has been involved with GLEH since the ground-breaking of GLEH’s Triangle Square project and is an Interior Designer, Architect and CEO of Mueller Design Incorporated.
Robin Allen
Robin Allen assumes her new position as Board Chair of the Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing-Los Angeles Board of Directors also on July 1st 2010 for a two year term commitment. Ms. Allen is a highly skilled and experienced trial attorney. She has been a prosecutor since 1991 and assigned to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Elder Abuse Section since 2005. Ms. Allen has been involved with GLEH since 2005.
In addition, the following new Executive Committee Members have been newly appointed to the corresponding Board of Directors:
Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing
Mr. Ara Babaian, Esq. – Vice Chair, GLEH
Mr. Robert Gant – Secretary, GLEH
Ms. Ruth Tittle - Treasurer, GLEH
Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing – Los Angeles
Mr. Orlando Rivera – Secretary, GLEH-LA
Mr. Richard Gollance, LCSW/MSG – Treasurer, GLEH-LA